How to Cancel your Acodei Subscription
If you no longer want to use Acodei Sync and would like to cancel your subscription, simply disconnect your QuickBooks company from our app. You can take this action using the methods described below.
Cancel on the Acodei app
To cancel your account from the Acodei app:
Log in at and visit the Connections tab.
From there, click "Delete" for the QuickBooks company, as presented below:

- Confirm the disconnection and terms on the dialog. This will cancel your service, and you will no longer be billed.
Cancel on QuickBooks Online
To cancel your account from QuickBooks Online:
- Log in to your QuickBooks account and go to Apps > My Apps.
- Use the dialog on the Acodei app to disconnect. This will disconnect your company from our app, cancel your service, and you will no longer be billed.